Monetizing Data: The New (FinTech) Normal
There is the explosion of “Fintechs” entering specific target markets by offering unique innovations that have cool features that come with benefits that we’ve never seen before.
The History of Free Checking
Checking is the lynchpin to financial services. Not only can the financial institution accessorize to make a lot of money off of “free” checking, but the account servicer also ends up being the primary financial partner of the account owner.
4 Reasons Why Your eBill and Bill Pay Strategy Needs Some Attention
Alternative payment options and enhanced bill management features are challenging legacy bill pay systems. It’s not hard to see why when you contrast the higher costs…
The Value eBills Bring to Your Financial Institution
Now more than ever, consumers are searching for Banks and Credit Unions who offer eBills and Bill Pay solutions.
Finovera is proud to be a Fintech Finalist at the Credit Union Analytics Summit
Finovera helps financial institutions by giving their account holders the power and convenience to receive, manage and pay ALL bills in ONE place, increasing engagement and revenue.
How Banks & Credit Unions can help their customers with personal finance & financial wellness
A study by the FINRA Foundation found that two-thirds of Americans are poised to fail a test on financial literacy. Are you surprised by that statistic?
How to leverage Bill Pay to win customers and members
In this blog, I will discuss how banks and credit unions can tame the tide of defection and keep their customers and members on their digital banking applications…
Why Bank Bill Pay is not engaging anymore
More and more consumers find the Bill Pay service offered by their financial institutions behind time. The user experience appears to be outdated in the new digital age…